SRF Convocation Notes
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The Hong-Sau and Aum Techniques
Mastering the Techniques of Meditation by Brother Ishtananda
The Hong-Sau and Aum Techniques by Brother Ishtananda
The Hong-Sau and Aum Techniques by Brother Pravabananda
Deepening Our Practice of Meditation by Swami Smaranananda
Make Your Meditations Come Alive by Brother Satyananda
Meditation: The Spiritual Foundation of our Lives by Brother Vishwananda
Energization Exercises
Recharging the Body With Cosmic Energy by Brother Keshabananda
Recharging the Body With Cosmic Energy by Brother Ritananda
Kriya Yoga
Kriya Yoga plus Devotion by Brother Anandamoy
Kriya Yoga: The Royal Path to God-Realization by Brother Vishwananda
Practice the Presence of God / Devotion
"Love Makes Us One With God" by Brother Bhaktananda
Making Time for God by Brother Anilananda
Karma and Reincarnation
Karma and Reincarnation: Understanding the Twists and Turns of Life by Brother Vishwananda
Right Attitude
Strengthening Character by Developing Spiritual Courage and Endurance by Brother Chidananda
Skills for Healing and Spiritual Well-Being in a Materialistic World by Brother Chidananda
Balancing Our Material and Spiritual Goals by Brother Chidananda
Faith and Intuitive Understanding: Cornerstones of the Spiritual Life by Brother Satyananda
Create a Life of Spiritual and Material Success by Brother Satyananda
Blessed are the Peacemakers by Brother Achalananda
The Art of Introspection for God-Realization by Brother Bhumananda
Living with a Positive and Joy-Filled Attitude by Sister Namita
Compassion and Understanding: Cornerstones of Spiritual Living
by Brother Achalananda
Making God Your Own by Sister Parvati
Making Spiritual Happiness the Foundation of our Lives by Brother Achalananda
The Power of Desire: Transmuting Material Entanglements with the Deeper Yearning of the Soul by Brother Atmananda
The Guru’s Unconditional Love for Each Disciple by Sister Preeti
Satsangas - Questions and Answers
Satsanga with Brother Pranavananda
Satsanga with Brother Bhaktananda
Satsanga with Brother Mitrananda
Satsanga with Brother Jayananda
Satsanga with Brother Sevananda

These notes are not an official publication of SRF. They were taken by the devotees during talks given by the monks and nuns. Please be aware that there is a degree of human error involved in taking and transcribing notes.