Ashtavakra Gita —
13. Happiness

Transcendent Bliss

Even if you have nothing,
It is hard to find that contentment
Which comes from renunciation.
I accept nothing.
I reject nothing.
And I am happy.

The body trembles,
The tongue falters,
The mind is weary.
Forsaking them all,
I pursue my purpose happily. (13.2)

Knowing I do nothing,
I do whatever comes my way,
And I am happy.

Bound to his body,
The seeker insists on striving
Or on sitting still.
But I no longer suppose
The body is mine,
Or is not mine.
And I am happy. (13.4)

Sleeping, sitting, walking,
Nothing good or bad befalls me.
I sleep, I sit, I walk,
And I am happy. (13.5)

Struggling or at rest,
Nothing is won or lost.
I have forsaken the joy of winning
And the sorrow of losing.
And I am happy. (13.6)

For pleasures come and go.
How often I have watched their inconstancy!
But I have forsaken good and bad,
And now I am happy. (13.7)

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* Translated by Thomas Byrom