Self-Realization Fellowship Monastic Order

Paramahansa Yogananda wrote (in his commentary on Bhagavad Gita vi:1): "For those on the path I have followed who also feel called to complete renunciation in a life of seeking and serving God through the yoga ideals of meditative and dutiful activities, I have perpetuated in the monastic order of Self-Realization Fellowship/ Yogoda Satsanga Society of India the line of sannyas in the Shankara Order, which I entered when I received the holy vows of a swami from my Guru. The organizational work that God and my Guru and Paramgurus have started through me is carried on not by worldly hired employees, but by those who have dedicated their lives to the highest objectives of renunciation and love for God." Monks and nuns of the Order reside in the society's ashram centers and serve Paramahansa Yogananda's worldwide work in many capacities, including: conducting Self-Realization Fellowship temple services, retreats, classes, and other spiritual and ministerial functions; providing written counsel to thousands of students of the teachings each month through correspondence; and administering the society's various charitable activities.


SRF Monks celebrating Christmas
