Accelerate your Progress with Kriya Yoga
4. Accelerate your Progress with Kriya Yoga
The real Kriya Yoga way (life-force control) is not a bypath. It is the direct highway, the shortest route, to divine realization. It teaches man to ascend heavenward by leading the ego, mind, and life force through the same spinal channel that was used when the soul originally descended into the body. (bg p.654)
Practice Kriya Yoga, and you will surely succeed on the spiritual path. That is my own experience. The liberating power of Kriya Yoga sunders the prison bars of karma. I have never found in East or West such a great technique as this. Everyone who is a follower of Kriya and of this path of Self-Realization Fellowship will go far ahead. Meditate and see the results in yourself...
Pranayama ['control of prana' or energy - life-force that sustains life in the body] is the primary art of realization. You cannot find God unless you can master the mortal breath. Breath ties the mind to the sense plane. As your breath becomes calm, your mind goes within.
is the way to God.
Practice pranayama and you will know how to meditate—how to perceive God and be one with Him. [Kriya Yoga is the highest pranayama technique.]
One-half minute of revolution of energy around the sensitive spinal cord of man effects subtle progress in his evolution; that half-minute of Kriya equals one year of natural spiritual unfoldment.
Kriya Yoga plus devotion
— it works like mathematics;
it cannot fail.
The science of Kriya Yoga is eternal. It is true like mathematics, like the simple rules of addition and subtraction, the law of Kriya can never be destroyed. Burn to ashes all books on mathematics; the logically minded will always rediscover such truths. Suppress all books on yoga; its fundamentals will be re-revealed whenever there appears a sage with pure devotion and consequently pure knowledge. (Read more...)
Twenty-four hours of prayer or meditation by any other technique (except Kriya Yoga) will not produce as much spiritual advancement as one hour practice of Hong-Sau. Likewise, it would take twenty-four hours of deep Hong-Sau practice to produce the same spiritual result gained from one hour of Kriya Yoga.
1 hour of Kriya Yoga = 24 hours of deep Hong-Sau practice
It is not the technique of meditation alone that will bring you freedom; your character must be strong and pure. Your whole life and behavior must be in harmony with the laws of truth. The first rules of the yoga path of meditation are
1. & 2. Don'ts & Do's [yama & niyama]
To progress in meditation, you must be working to
free yourself from
You should follow:
evenminded contentment,
introspection (self-study),
devotion to God, and
3. The body must be under your control in order to meditate deeply. [asana]
4. Then comes pranayama (control of prana or life force), techniques for calming the body and mind, breath and heartbeat. Pranayama is the primary art of realization. You cannot find God unless you can master the mortal breath. Breath ties the mind to the sense plane. As your breath becomes calm, your mind goes within. Breathlessness is the way to God. [Kriya Yoga is the highest pranayama technique.]
5. The consciousness is turned within, away from the senses. [pratyahara]
6. When your attention is freed from distractions of breath and body and outer sensations, it is able to focus single-pointedly on God. [dharana]
7. In the inner stillness, one hears the mighty voice of Spirit as Aum... As you listen to and merge in that great, comforting Cosmic Vibration, the consciousness expands with it into all space. [dhyana]
8. And as the concentration and perception of meditation becomes deeper, one reaches the ultimate state, samadhi, in which the meditator, the process of meditation, and the object of meditation (God) merge in oneness. In samadhi, you know by direct experience that God and you are One. [samadhi]
(aoy) — Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda
(bg) — God Talks with Arjuna: The Bhagavad Gita by Paramahansa Yogananda
(dr) — The Divine Romance by Paramahansa Yogananda
(jt) — Journey to Self-Realization by Paramahansa Yogananda
(me) — Man's Eternal Quest by Paramahansa Yogananda
(os) — Other Sources... Talks, Booklets
(sc) — The Second Coming of Christ by Paramahansa Yogananda
(sm) — Self-Realization Magazines